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Imagine we land in another world. This world looks very similar to ours, but feels different. The thrill makes goose bumps dance down our spines, the excitement smells salty and the courage tingles on our tongues. What is trembling, shaking, bubbling under our feet? Can you hear it too?

Join us on a journey of discovery and dare to go with us to places where few people have been before. When does our heart sink into our pants? Is the fear in our bones or in our stomach? What makes us sweat? Do we react with lightning speed? Do we fall into a state of paralysis or should we face up to the fear?

In this audio walk performance in and around the MuseumsQuartier, we play with expectations, discover scary and frightening moments, enjoy moments of surprise and encounter fear, thrills and courage from different angles!



Note on the performances:
The audio walk includes several stations in the MuseumsQuartier (outdoors). In case of rain, the performance cannot take place. If a performance has to be canceled due to weather conditions, you will be informed by us and this information will also be published on our website.

The performance is wheelchair accessible, it mainly takes place on one level, only for one station you have to climb up two flights of stairs (next to the Leopold Museum) and a little later down again (next to the mumok). Alternatively, an elevator can be used at these points.

The audio walk is held in German, language skills are required due to interaction.


80 Minuten



Dschungel Wien



28. April – 5. May



Concept, choreography:
Raffaela Gras

Composition, sound design:
Peter Plos

Choreographic collaboration:
Katharina Senk, Michael Gross, Susanna Peterka, Stefanie Sternig

Artistic collaboration, voice:
Sarah Zaharanski

Christina Aksoy

Costume and interior design:
Sophie Baumgartner

Andreas Grünauer

With the kind support of the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna and the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport.
Thanks to Wuk ttp, Kunsthalle Wien, Darum Kollektiv.
Special thanks to DARUM, Kunsthalle Wien, WUK ttp
credit Waltraud Brauner_web.jpg

© Waltraud Brauner

In the future, this
performance will become
a classic. A must see!

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Headphones on and a wondrous audio walk journey to its most hidden corners begins.

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Some of the recorded texts are not just instructions on where to go now, but are poetic thoughts of confrontation with yourself and the world.

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